Progress Log
2021- 22 Development news - Nibblz will be developed during the summer term when more time can be allocated to its development. For now it only covers Binary/denary and hex theory, skills and challenges.
Site pages:
Home page - Completed
About page - Completed
Level 1 overview - In progress - awaiting specific topic breakdowns
Level 2 overview - In progress - awaiting specific topic breakdowns
Level 3 overview - In progress - awaiting specific topic breakdowns
Level 1
Programming​ - in production - 3 constructs completed
Problem Solving - none
Hardware/Software - in production - 2 completed
Binary/Logic - Binary elements completed
Imedia - none
Level 2
Programming​ - none
Problem Solving - none
Hardware/Software - none
Binary/Logic - Binary elements completed
Imedia - none
Level 3
Programming​ - none
Problem Solving - none
Hardware/Software - none
Binary/Logic - Binary elements completed
Imedia - none
Change logs:
9/6/21 - Site activated
12/6/21 - logo/branding added
16/6/21 - welcome video added
20/6/21 - page structure agreed
25/6/21 - L1 binary added
1/07/21 - L2 binary added
2/7/21 - TGS specific nibblz added
7/7/21 - About page completed
8/7/21 - Added L3 binary nibblz
9/7/21 - Student focus group session held.
12/07/21 - sequence/selection nibblz added (L1 programming)
14/07/21 - Holding thumbnails created for youtube - All binary nibblz finalised
12/11/21 - iteration nibblz added (L1 programming)
22/11/21 - added text representation (binary/ASCII/unicode) to L1 binary section
28/06/22 - started hardware level 1 videos (new video format deployed)
28/06/22 - applications software L1 added